Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Apple Annies

Since moving here I have always wanted to go to the Pumpkin Patch. Every year something comes up and we are unable to go. This year I decided that we were going to go no matter what. I'm glad I made that decision because we had a lot of fun. At Apple Annies they make this huge corn maze to go through. Hubby and I took the kids through the hard one. The kids each took turns being in charge of leading the way. It was alot of fun and we only got lost a couple of times. The kids also liked playing in the corn and taking the hay ride to the pumpkins. It was a fun day and was enjoyed by the whole family.

My boys looking so serious

Bubba being silly in the maze

Sissy posing on some hay

Little Bro. loving the corn and not being in the stroller

Big Bro. swimming in the corn


Kori said...

Summer- I found your blog through Amanda's. I can't believe you already have four kids. E-mail me at koridiehl@yahoo.com and I'll send you an invite to our blog.